Cooking, BBQ, and Disney

How to Fix your Starter

Recently, the automatic starter on my Oklahoma Joes Combination Grill went out on me. In the back of my mind, I assumed the worst. My grill is now 8+ years old and might have reached the end of its life. Not seeing replacement starters listed online and having tried just about everything I could think of, I tried a crazy idea…check the instruction manual.

In the manual, I learned that these starters on propane grills are battery powered! This makes perfect sense but was something I did not realize in the slightest until re-reading the instructions. Maybe 8+ years since reading the instructions meant that piece of information left my brain. The tricky part, and what might help someone else with a broken starter, was where the battery is kept. For me, the starter button unscrewed, and in there was a AA battery! Super easy, right?!

If nothing else, I hope this tip helps you troubleshoot issues with your grill and gets a lot of extra cooks out of it! Most grills will have their manual online, so even if you lost your instructions, be sure to give that a shot! And if it is something more than a battery, atleast you have now eliminated that as an option! Good luck, and happy grilling!