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Amusement Park Corndogs

Yields8 ServingsPrep Time10 minsCook Time4 minsTotal Time14 mins

A do it yourself version to the theme park classic!

 1 cup corn meal
 1 cup flour
 2 tbsp sugar
 2 tsp baking powder
 ½ tsp salt
 1 egg
 1 cup buttermilk
 2 tbsp vegetable oil
 8 all beef hot dogs
 popsicle or craft sticks
 vegetable oil for frying

Heat your vegetable oil in a large pot to 350 degrees. Make sure the pot is large enough to fit the hot dog and the stick comfortably, and the oil is deep enough to fully emerge the whole dog.


In a mixing bowl, stir together the cornmeal flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Then, use a whisk to beat in the egg, milk, and vegetable oil.


Insert the popsicle or craft sticks into each hot dog leaving enough of the stick showing to create a handle.


Dip each hot dog into the batter while holding the stick. After dipping and the hot dog is fully covered, put immediately into the hot oil to fry.


Fry as you go. Each one only takes 3-4 minutes. Put on paper towels to drain before serving!


Also, if you have leftovers corndogs, be sure to reheat them in the oven baking for around 10 minutes at 400 degrees to keep a crisp outer cornbread.

Nutrition Facts

Servings 0