Cooking, BBQ, and Disney

How to Find the Best Disney Parks News

With everyone having a Disney website and opinion seeping in with news more commonly than not, making sure you know where to get information can be difficult.  Ultimately, there is some of my personal bias in this as well.  However, I try and avoid consuming information that is too outlandish and rumor based.  Hopefully this quick list of sources I use will help you as you keep up to date on the Disney Theme Parks!

The Disney Parks Blog is my #1 source for all things Disney news.  This is a direct link to the Disney parks, updates from Disney directly, and stories from the parks.  They post updates on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram as well so that you can see these updates everywhere!  I would definitely recommend adding Disney Parks Blog to your follow list!

WDW News Today and Blog Mickey are two websites that focus on providing any and all news available from the Disney Parks.  You can follow their websites, or their Twitter and Instagram accounts for all sorts of relevant updates!

There are a ton of podcasts available that provide awesome information.  This includes the D23 podcast, the Disney Dish Podcast with Jim Hill and Len Testa, and many others who deliver updates on a weekly update.  Find your favorite, and this is a great way to get new information delivered to you!

My final, and perhaps most random way to keep up to date is by following @BioReconstruct on Twitter.  This user posts updates weekly of Disney and Universal in a unique way…from a helicopter.  The perspective that these photos from the air provide on construction projects, and the scope of the theme parks, is truly unique.  

I hope these tips help you keep up to date with the ever changing Disney Theme Parks, and if you have one of your own favorite ways, be sure to let me know on Instagram at @theDisneyMaven!