How To Revive Brown Sugar
Brown Sugar is a unique baking ingredient that can very easily dry out if you are not careful. Whether you are making some BBQ or baking some cookies, soft brown sugar is a must! Using the three tips below, hopefully, you can properly store your brown sugar or revive it from, what some might consider, a point of no return.
- Store with bread in airtight container – Using an air tight container, storing the brown sugar with something that contains moisture, like a slice of bread, will help it last longer. This proper storage is ideal, but sometimes, things can still go wrong.
- Restore with a few days notice – If you notice your brown sugar is hard, but you do not need it right now, you can try reviving it by using a slice of bread, or even some damp tea bags. There are a lot of other suggestion on the internet (like apple slices…) but none of these are consistetently going to work from what I have seen, so stick to what works!
- Restore In the moment of need – If you are starting baking or BBQ’ing and realize your brown sugar is not usable, there is a fix. Take the hard chunks of sugar, add them to a microwave safe bowl, and cover with a damp paper towel. In 20 second increments, heat the sugar to reinvigorate it. After even just 1 microwaving, it might become as good as new! Do not go too long though, as it will carmalize and become unsalvagable if it does.

Give this tip a try the next time your brown sugar gets dried out, and be sure to let us know how it works for you! And remember, if your resuscitation attempt fails, try to store the next bag of brown sugar with the bread and in an air-tight container!