How to Mince Garlic

It is easy to feel lazy, or be intimidated by fresh garlic when cooking. Stores have made it very easy to buy the pre-minced garlic that you are able to just spoon into your dish and eliminate the perceived hassle. Getting fresh garlic for your dish can happen in as little as 45 seconds, though! With these four steps, hopefully you are ready to take on fresh garlic for your next pasta dish!
- Break off a few of the cloves (front part of the picture) and lay them flat on a cutting board
- Take a large knife, and cover the garlic with the flat part of the blade, pressing on the knife to crush the cloves
- Remove the flaky skin from the fresh garlic clove and discard
- Finely mince the garlic clove using the same knife!
For your first adventure with fresh garlic, I recommend trying out the Garlic Mashed Potatoes recipe! It is super quick and easy to make, even for the beginner chef!
Storing Garlic
Once you have adopted using fresh garlic in your cooking, you will need to keep it fresh! Store fresh garlic in either an uncovered or a loosely covered container in a cool, dark place away from exposure to heat and sunlight. This will help maintain its maximum freshness and help prevent sprouting, which reduces its flavor and causes excess waste. It is not necessary to refrigerate garlic.
I hope this will help you feel comfortable with garlic, and help make your next dish taste even better!