How to Supreme Citrus
If you are looking to kick up your presentation of a fruit salad, you might want to try to supreme your citrus (lemons, oranges, etc). What does it mean to supreme something? In the culinary world, citrus segments are called supremes. The process gets rid of the membranes between the wedges and the bitter white pith. It only takes a little longer than peeling but makes the fruit tastier – and prettier, too!
The Steps to Supreme:
Step 1: Trim the top and bottom of the citrus you are wanting to supreme to make it level on the cutting board.
Step 2: Place the citrus on one flat end and remove the rest of the rind in strips. To preserve as much of the fruit as possible, curve the knife out and downwards, mimicking the fruits natural shape. Try using a smaller knife to avoid cutting too much of the fruit.
Step 3: Slice just to the left and right of each membrane, freeing each perfect wedge.